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Youth group

Youth group happens every Wednesday night typically from 6:15-8pm at Cornerstone. Cornerstone is the house located at 907 7th Ave. SE. All students from 7th-12th grade come to have fun, play games, worship through song, hear a message from the Bible, and discuss the message and life in general in small groups. Small groups are led by caring adults who love students and seek to point them to Christ.

education hour

Education Hour is offered during the school year every Sunday from 11am-12pm. Education Hour is a place for students to learn about the Bible and how it applies to their lives. It is a combined class for Middle & High School Students. This class will train our students how to effectively share their faith with anyone and everyone. We’ll look at what Jesus has done, and learn how to lovingly and accurately communicate with the world who needs him.

Discipleship groups

These groups are designed for students to be discipled by a faithful adult leader for a specific period of time. Each discipleship group will have no more than 4-5 students at a time and no more than two adult leaders. The goal of a discipleship group is to grow deeper in relationship with God and other believers beyond our Youth Group and Education Hour times. Each member is required to sign a group covenant agreeing to meet together for the agreed upon period of time and agreeing to confidentiality. Because growing in faith includes addressing difficult topics, confessing sin, asking for advice about future plans, praying for each other’s burdens, and more, confidentiality and commitment are expected from all members of a discipleship group. For an example of a typical discipleship group covenant, click HERE.