Pastoral Staff

PASTOR mark johnson

Pastor Mark and his wife, Roxanne, came to Christ Community in July of 2022. He received his M.Div. from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, and his B.A. in History from Indiana University. Before serving as Christ Community’s lead pastor, Mark was on staff with Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) for 15 years, mostly at IU. The Lord has instilled three particular passions in Mark over the years. First, Mark loves to see believers equipped to read, understand, and apply the Scriptures. Second, he longs for Christians to actively disciple others and pass on what the Lord has entrusted to them. Third, he has a heart for seeing the entire church develop an understanding, urgency, and love for bringing the gospel to the most unreached people groups of the world. Mark and Rox are blessed with three beautiful daughters - Kyla, Eden, and Selah.

Pastor carlos perez

Pastor Carlos joined our staff in January 2019 as our Pastor of Outreach & Hispanic Ministry. He and his wife, Raquel, moved here from Venezuela and are ministering primarily to the Hispanic population here in Sioux Center. 

Pastor Nolan Johnson

Pastor Nolan joined our staff in September 2023 as our Pastor of Student and Children’s Ministries. Nolan moved here from Dubuque, IA after finishing his degree in Educational Ministries at Emmaus Bible College. Nolan’s a big supporter of Christ centered community and seeing students and children come to know Jesus.


Ministry Support Staff

Janet Erdman | Custodian | Contact Janet

Dale Landegent | Worship Leader | Contact Dale

Talitha Landegent | Office Manager & Church Financial Administrator | Contact Talitha

Scott Shippy | Technical Assistant | Contact Scott

Elder Team

Contact the Elders

Darryl Ten Pas | Head Elder

Pastor Mark Johnson

Pastor Carlos Perez

Dave Los

Ken Addink

Titus Landegent

Trent Stanley

Troy Kunnari

Deacon Team

Contact the Deacons

Ezra Weikert | Head Deacon

Quentin Huisman

Cody Groskreutz

Jed Van Der Zwaag

Taylor Van Der Zwaag

Sheldon Weinert

Women’s Ministry Care Team

Contact the Women’s Ministry Care Team

Oversees Women’s Ministry, Welcoming/Assimilation (Greeting/Décor), Hospitality (Childcare, Kitchen)

Whitney Van Der Zwaag | Head of Women’s Ministry Care Team

Kathleen Schrock

Marilyn Niemeyer

Linda Sassman

Roxanne Johnson